The VHB carb. hasn’t been made since the early 1980s but we still have just about everything in stock for them. Please click on the PDF link above, choose the part you need and click on the “details” link on the corresponding part below.
Showing all 116 results
2343 E type needle (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
2453 Trumpet SS1 25-30mm / VHB 27-30
7444 Type R Atomiser
7455 V type Needle (VHB(T) 27-30mm)
7755 Type N atomiser (VHB(T) 27-30mm)
7878 VHB atomiser (VHB(T) 27-30mm CS/CD)
7884 Dellorto S type atomiser (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
8448.265 Q Type atomiser (VHB(Z) 20-26)
MCT03 Trumpet SS1 50mm / VHB 27-30
11792 CT Type atomiser size 260 (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
8203 Atomiser U type 260 (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
8299 V type Atomiser V type 260 (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
9526 AP Type atomiser (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
9994 BD Type Atomiser size 269 (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
10920 Top cover (VHB(Z) 20-26mm) Plastic
10921 Top cover (VHB(T) 27-30mm) Plastic
3318 VHB/ SHB top cover screw
7338 Top cover (VHB(T) 27-30mm)
8756 VHB 20 – 25 Linked lever casting. Left hand
8753 VHB 20 – 25 Linked lever casting. Centre.
10926 Top cover gasket (VHB(T) 27-30mm)
8210 Top cover gasket (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
1407 Needle clip
8792 Dellorto Manifold sleeve (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
7879 DellortoPump body (VHB(T)30 CS/CD only)
7831 Pump piston (VHB(T)30 CS/CD only)
7185 Pump ball valve (VHB(T)30 CS/CD only)
7832 Ball valve holder – VHB(T)30 CS/CD only
7882 Dellorto Pump spring (VHB(T)30 CS/CD only)
7828 Jet holder Dellorto – VHB(T) CS/CD only
7880 Float bowl nut – Moto Guzzi
52510 VHB/T/Z Gasket set
52511 VHB/Z Gasket set – linked carbs.
3100 Dellorto PHBG – UB – VHB trumpet, 65mm long
4224 Dellorto PHBG Short trumpet – 20mm – Plastic
5901 Dellorto PHBG – UB – VHB offset trumpet 76mm long
4559 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC Needle valve
9436 Dellorto PHBH / PHBL Needle valve and seat 150 – 225
7456 Dellorto M type atomiser (PHBH & VHB(T) 27-30mm)
7746 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHBR / PHM / VHST Choke jet
7790 Dellorto Type P Atomiser (PHBH VHB(T) 27-30mm)
7972 Dellorto PHBH (VHB(T) 27-30mm) T type atomiser
8358 Dellorto PHBL / VHST K Type atomiser VHB(Z) 20-26mm
8566 Dellorto PHBL D type atomiser VHB(Z) 20-26mm
8935 Dellorto PHBL AE type atomiser
9143 Dellorto PHBL AG Type atomiser
6173 Dellorto DHLA / DRLA / DHLB / PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHBR / PHF / PHM / VHST Choke jet/pump jet O ring
7451 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHM / PHF Float bowl O ring
7540 Dellorto DHLA / DRLA / DHLB / PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHBR / PHF / PHM O ring Throttle stop – Idle jet holder
8297 Dellorto PHBE / PHB Choke assembly O ring
8678 Dellorto DHLA / DRLA / PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHBR / PHF / PHM Mixture screw O ring
4052 Dellorto PHBE / PHBH Banjo bolt fibre washer
6266 Dellorto PHBH Float bowl nut fibre washer
6288 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / VHB / VHBZ / VHBT Needle valve fibre washer
2139 Dellorto Banjo bolt fibre washer
4650 Dellorto DHLA / DHLB / PHB / PHB / PHBE / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / VHB Washer
4057 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHM / PHF Float bowl nut seal
1104 Dellorto PHBD Cable adjuster – straight
1481 Dellorto PHBG / PHBH / PHBL / PHBN / PHVA / PHF / PHM / SHA Cable adjuster
3600 Dellorto PHBG / PHBH / PHBL /PHBN / PHVA / PHF / PHM / SHA / VHSA Cable elbow – 70°
6109 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / SHA / SHB / SHBC Fuel union / banjo filter
8294 Dellorto Choke lever assembly PHBH PHBL VHSA VHSB VHSH
8730 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF Lift up choke assembly
7450 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHF / PHM Float assembly – White
8295 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHM / PHF / PHBL / PHBH Choke support casting
7450 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHF / PHM / VHB / VHBZ / VHBT Float assembly – BLACK
7346 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM Float pivot pin
7453 Dellorto PHBH Manifold sleeve (VHB(T) 27-30mm) 35mm Internal diameter
6977 Dellorto PHBL Manifold sleeve
4568 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / SHB / SHBC fuel union / banjo bolt
7745 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHM / PHF / PHBH / PHBL / VHSD / VHDG Choke assembly fixing screw
7449 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / VHB / VHBZ / VHBT Mixture screw
6976 Dellorto PHBL Manifold sleeve – Int. diameter 28mm
3238 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHM / PHF / PHSB / VHSA Choke piston
8127 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM Manifold clamp bolt
8293 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHM / PHF Choke lever assembly – Long
1691 Dellorto FRZ / PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / PHBG / PHBN / PHVA Cable adjuster locknut
1692 Dellorto PHBG / PHBH / PHBL / PHBN / PHVA / PHF / PHM / SHA cable adjuster lock nut
53003 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL Cable choke kit
53038 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBG / PHBL / PHBN / PHVA 50° Cable elbow kit
8128 Dellorto Manifold clamp nut PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF
53036 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHBN / PHVA / PHM / PHVB / SHA 90° Cable elbow kit
53087 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / PHVA / PHBN / PHVB / SHA 40° Cable elbow kit
53037 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF /PHBN / PHVA / PHM / PHVB / SHA 70° Cable elbow kit
5011 Dellorto DHLA/DHLB/DRLA/PHBD/PHBG/PHF/PHM/VHB/FZD Spring washer
8142 Dellorto PHBH Manifold clamp VHB(T) 27-30mm
8131 Dellorto PHBL Manifold clamp
1476 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PGBD / PHBN / PHVA / PHBR / PHSB / SHA Rubber cable cap
14050 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHBD / PHBL / PHBN / PHVA / SHA Long rubber cable cap
7890 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBL / PHBH / PHF / PHBL / PHM Fuel inlet union / banjo – Twin – 8mm
8797 Dellorto VHB VHBT VHBZ Banjo screw
6517 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / PHM / SHB / SHBC Fuel inlet union / banjo – 8mm angled
8752 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / SHB Fuel union / banjo – Metal – 6mm
4053 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL Short fuel union / banjo bolt
3133 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBG / PHBH / PHBL / PHM / PHSB / VHSA Choke return spring
7446 Dellorto PHBE / PHB / PHBH / PHBL / PHF / VHSA / VHSB / VHSC Mixture screw spring
4670 Dellorto DHLA / DRLA / DHLB / FZD / PHBG / PHBD / PHBE / PHBL / PHPH / PHB / PHF / PHM Spring
7881 Dellorto PHBE PHB PHBH PHBL PHF Float bowl
8796 Dellorto VHB VHBT VHBZ Fuel union
8894 Dellorto Choke jet
9149 AH atomiser (VHB(Z) 20-26mm)
10374 BR Type atomiser
Showing all 116 results